
I think setting up something like this would be a great idea. Like mojca, irc 
is no use to me for a number of reasons. I need to be able to be offline for 
periods, and switch between multiple different devices without missing 
messages, and with irc this is tough.. We use a self hosted mattermost service 
at work, which is basically just like slack... Its macOS and iOS clients are 
pretty good.


> On 9 May 2019, at 10:48 pm, Ao Liu <a...@aoliu.tech> wrote:
> I strongly recommend Slack. It has been used in many national labs nowadays. 
> Smartphone apps are also done nicely. 
>> On Thu, May 9, 2019 at 4:43 PM Ruben Di Battista <rubendibatti...@gmail.com> 
>> wrote:
>> I suggest to get a look to Matrix.org. They perfectly integrate with IRC, 
>> but they have bridges for everything. No need to self host (but you can and 
>> it's federated with the rest of the fédération)
>> It's a pretty cool technology IMHO. 
>>> On Thu, 9 May 2019, 23:38 Mojca Miklavec, <mo...@macports.org> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I know that our official channels only include mailing lists, IRC and
>>> PR/ticket discussion so far, but I'm curious about your stand with
>>> respect to setting up a service like Zulip Chat / Rocket Chat / ...
>>> for aiding the GSOC communication when higher frequency of potentially
>>> simple questions would be needed. I know IRC could fulfill such a
>>> task, but it doesn't work too well for me. (I'm offline when at work,
>>> cannot really use phone efficiently for communication etc..)
>>> Would it be realistic to install such a service on breaburn if needed?
>>> (Or is it too complex / too much work?)
>>> I strongly suspect that one of those services also integrates pretty
>>> well with IRC. I've been using Slack, Zulip, Discord, Gitter at
>>> various occasions and I like the way they work.
>>> Thank you,
>>>     Mojca

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