Hi, Thanks for the tips. ^_^ This is almost the same way as in the arXiv paper you shared with me. As we are dealing with paths, I saw implementing the above hash function would make the search faster as this happens quite a few times that files with same name have same path length from the root. So to get information about a file “abc.txt”, we just need to get the length of the path to this file from the root. Suppose the length of string of path from root is 16. Then the hash function takes the input “abc.txt” and makes it “16-abc.txt”. Now in the tree, the first level categorises it as per the path length, which just leaves the need to check the file name and in the worst case where files with same name have same length of path from the root, they are chained at the end of the tree.
Although I haven’t tested the time complexities yet but even if this structure is not to be implemented, it won’t make much difference because all we would need is to put the hash function and simply search for the complete length instead of complete path which seems to be a quite easy replacement. I would stick with the basic structure which is less complex and tested and will only try to switch and test the this when all other things are done, that maybe a good idea. Regards, Mihir