On Tue, 2 Apr 2019 at 16:01, Pierre Tardy wrote: > > Not sure if this is applicable, but there is no import method from > buildbot 0.8.x to buildbot 0.9+
I don't believe we really need that. It would be nice to "export" all the relevant (summary) data once before decommissioning the old master (or rather import it from an external script using the existing json api and store it into an independent database, for example like shown on this demo page: https://frozen-falls-98471.herokuapp.com/ports/SoapyAirspy/), but I don't have absolutely any expectations about keeping the old data around in the new interface. You already loose all the data even by trivial actions such as renaming the builder, so ... (An expected downside is that we sometimes link to buildbot logs from our bug tracker, but we keep loosing those logs all the time already since the buildbot master only keeps the last 10k builds.) Maybe I didn't understand what Rajdeep was asking. If the "old database" referred to our existing 0.8 setup: no, we don't have any expectations to keep that one around after the upgrade. Mojca