Hi there, @Mojca Miklavec <mo...@macports.org> As I told you before, I will be documenting trace mode alongside with understanding it, I have been working on that
https://docs.google.com/document/d/15cVbH6f6hBr9HryJEHUZEbRsToN1BAjY8My-oRstO9A/edit#heading=h.oby3p7ljhsu Sorry I told you I will get it done by the end of week but I am still stuck on understanding some internals of server side trace mode. I have mailed doubts on mailing lists and I guess soon Clemens will help me with those. Right now I will complete the documentation of client side and arrange the above documents in a better understandable way within a few hours. Maybe after all that you can tell me the right place to put these or maybe if its not in correct way, please let me know. Also, I think I can make sort of a demo for this project, but I dunno if it would be a good enough to prove the skills. @Clemens Lang <c...@macports.org> Demo would be kind of like replicating functionality of client side trace mode in a 2 process program also with 2 threads which call functions like open, close etc(which I will replace by my own implementations by a library with dyld_insert_libraries). For their sandbox bounds I will pass my own arguments and try mapping memory with a file using Ctrie which will be checked before sandbox bounds function. Most probably I will deliver this demo in 3-4 days. And please consider giving a look to the draft https://docs.google.com/document/d/1qH5VMtrQ3tvd5gFPf51lmJtd6dYfUuEmO1AvXmU_4qM/edit#heading=h.9cfgiuh00i0k I have made some changes in technical details “problem” & “solutions” and I have correctly specified right deliverables for first evaluation. If this way is correct, I may proceed the same way for second and final evals. Currently, ctrie seemed the best implementation for checking a path, although, if I get more time before submission data I will try the best to look for even better alternative if possible. Regards, Mihir