On Sat, Mar 23, 2019 at 3:15 PM Mojca Miklavec <mo...@macports.org> wrote:

> I would use the first definition: number of users currently having the
> port installed. It might be pretty common to have to reinstall the
> same port multiple times (maybe just for debugging / development
> reasons) and we don't want to count the port developer 20 times. If
> the user uninstalled the port, it's equivalent to me as never having
> it installed in the first place.

Thanks. But in that case what would be considered as number of
installations in a particular month? Suppose, the first weekly submission
contains port P in active_ports, but during second submission(in the same
month), the port is uninstalled.

One way would be to have it consider the number of users having it in
active ports on the last day of the month or on 15th.

Thank You

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