I have some more improvements to demo app:

   - *Build History is now Dynamic: *By Making some minor tweaks to the
   python script sent by Mojca, I was able to load build history from buildbot
   into the database. I loaded only few recent logs for "*10.14_x86_64*" & "
   *10.13_x86_64*". Since, build history of all ports is not yet on the
   database, so it would not appear on port-detail page for all ports. To see
   it working, gmsh would be a fine example:
   https://frozen-falls-98471.herokuapp.com/ports/gmsh/ . It is not very
   neat yet, the os filter is 'just working'. But now we have a good starting
   point to improve upon.
   - *Link to Github.*

I am not very sure if the representation of build history is on the right

Thank You


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