Sounds good to me. Thanks!

On Tue, Mar 19, 2019 at 3:59 PM Pierre Tardy <> wrote:

> Hi Rajdeep,
> Sorry if I have not been clear.
> The project I have linked is quite a large project which will actually
> takes several summer in order to finish. What I meant is that it would be
> good for synergy if we have another student on that project, as this is on
> the same domain, and you could work with him/her to share your findings and
> best practices.
> You can start working on macport custom buildbot UI without waiting for
> this project, and we can start working on that in modern javascript of
> typescript if needed.
> uglycoyte did a poc which you can find here:
> I am not sure of the state of the PoC.
> I suggest you as a welcome challenge to build yourself a buildbot
> environment, with the react plugin installed in, displaying "hello from
> Rajdeep's Buildbot"
> Would that work for you?
> Regards
> Pierre
> On Mon, Mar 18, 2019 at 10:53 AM Pierre Tardy <> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> We have our own GSoC project to transition the UI from coffeescript:
>> The ideal would be to have one student for each project.
>> All the pointers are there. I would be happy to help on either project.
>> Regards,
>> Pierre
>> On Mon, Mar 18, 2019 at 9:41 AM Mojca Miklavec <>
>> wrote:
>>> Dear Rajdeep,
>>> On Sun, 17 Mar 2019 at 19:55, Rajdeep Bharat wrote:
>>> >
>>> > Hello, I am Rajdeep, a GSoC aspirant.
>>> > I was going through the Buildbot views project and had a few doubts:
>>> > - Do I need to work on the dashboards SPA of buildbots (
>>> and rewrite it using a
>>> modern library like React?
>>> > - I have read this ticket: Do
>>> I have to implement them separately in a MacPorts repository of buildbot,
>>> or do it in upstream directly?
>>> >
>>> > I am familiarizing myself with the buildbot codebase and would love to
>>> start contributing.
>>> > Can someone tell me if I'm on the right track?
>>> Thank you very much for reaching to us. I still owe you the response
>>> to the earlier email, but let's start with this one.
>>> The "buildbot idea" would be (co)mentored by someone from the Buildbot
>>> development team for the technical part ("How to do it?"), while the
>>> MacPorts mentor would help to steer towards the desired goal ("What to
>>> do?").
>>> So I would like to ask Pierre to explain the technical part in more
>>> details.
>>> (Pierre, how does the unfinished Coffeescript to Typescript conversion
>>> of the core affect designing new views and their "future-proof-ness"?)
>>> What I want to say from the MacPorts point of view is that what mainly
>>> kept us from switching to buildbot version beyond 0.8.x was a less
>>> user-friendly waterfall view. We kept postponing the switch since the
>>> time the buildbot was still at version 0.9.x. Now it's already at 2.x,
>>> and it would be about a high time that we do the upgrade. The existing
>>> buildbot setup was written in cca. 3 days during our in-person
>>> developer meeting in 2016, and then slightly improved over time.
>>> The changes would be added wherever it makes the most sense. If
>>> there's some view that's specific to MacPorts, we would keep it
>>> locally, while any other change that's considered useful for any
>>> buildbot user would best be pushed to their own repository (and
>>> reviewed by the buildbot development team).
>>> I wanted to add that this project is well related to the "collection
>>> of build statistics" idea. I will elaborate on this later, but we
>>> definitely need changes in the buildbot configuration to make it
>>> easier for our (hopefully) future web application to talk to the
>>> buildbot master.
>>> Mojca
>>> Mojca
>> --
>> --

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