Hi Rishab,

Welcome to The MacPorts Project!

On Sat, Mar 16, 2019 at 3:13 PM rishab lamba <rishablamba...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Dear Sir/ Ma'am,
> I am Rishab Lamba pursuing my B.Tech from BVCOE, Delhi. I got to know about 
> MacPorts from the GSoC program and wish to learn to contribute to its 
> platform. I have read the MacPorts Guide and have made myself comfortable 
> using the environment but am still a little ambiguous of how to contribute to 
> the source code.
> So if you could help me how and where to start from, what is the knowledge 
> base or the prerequisites that
would be required from me? I  would really appreciate any help or
guidance that I could get

Good to hear that you have gone through the macports guide and
familiarised yourself. Have you installed macports on your machine ?
Also, do you have a mac machine or linux machine?

You can either start with contributing to the core behind macports
i.e., macports-base[1] or add/update existing portfiles i.e.,

To get started with contributing to macports-base, we have an
introductory video[3] which will explain about the codebase very well.

To jump into creating or working on existing portfile, our guide on
portfile development[4] is a good starting point. You may also read
existing portfile in our macports-ports repository[2].

Hope this gets you started and help in making your first contribution
to MacPorts :)

[1] https://github.com/macports/macports-base/
[2] https://github.com/macports/macports-ports/
[3] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=46qshiDskrM
[4] https://guide.macports.org/#development

Jackson Isaac

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