On Nov 27, 2018, at 16:58, Mark Brethen wrote:

> A couple of remaining thoughts I had:
> 1. The BSD port uses metis4 whereas macports metis distro is at v5. I didn’t 
> check to see which one it used.

taucs builds with "-lmetis", in other words, libmetis.dylib, whatever version 
that may be.

> If it builds alright, I assume it will work.

One would hope so, but that's not necessarily true.

> 2. Calculix-ccx requires taucs at build. Should it matter if the static 
> library exists, or not?

It depends on how the build system has been written. If it links with 
"-L/opt/local/lib -ltaucs", then it will find the libtaucs.dylib symlink* which 
points to the libtaucs.1.dylib dynamic library and it will hopefully work. If 
on the other hand it links with "/opt/local/lib/libtaucs.a" then it will fail 
because that file isn't there; probably in that case the build system should be 
fixed to link with the dynamic library.

* I realized I forgot to include that symlink in the Portfile; I've updated the 
Portfile in the ticket with this.

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