On 2018-4-26 23:36 , Perry E. Metzger wrote:
> On Wed, 25 Apr 2018 21:24:43 -0500 Ryan Schmidt
> <ryandes...@macports.org> wrote:
>> I'm not working on this problem. There are far too many other
>> things that I already intend to be working on. My questions were
>> just meant to prompt thought about whether MacPorts currently
>> provides the information required to implement the feature. My
>> belief is that it does not, but I am not spending a lot of time
>> thinking about this problem so maybe I'm missing something.
>> If the importance of this issue exceeds the importance of all the
>> other issues you care about, such that you want to work on it, feel
>> free to do so.
> Not sure. I did come up with a better solution for the ABI bump
> problem, though, and wanted to run it by you.
> So rather than just guessing based on things like major version of a
> library whether dependents need to be bumped, I would suggest we add
> an "abiversion" keyword. Changing it in any way would imply that ports
> depending on that port would be rebuilt.

So this would have to be set manually for every library port? If looking
at the library version information is "guessing", how would the correct
value be determined?

> This would imply that there would be a need to be able to query what
> "abiversion" is currently installed.

And which version the dependents were built against. And which version a
downloaded binary archive was built against. Effectively, this would
have to act like yet another version component for the purposes of
determining whether an upgrade needs to happen.

> I think hashing out how this might work in a bit of detail will
> reveal whether it is too much work to bother with or relatively easy
> to do. (My guess is probably the former, but it would be nice to
> figure out what is involved first.)

The library version info is recorded in the binaries. Rev-upgrade works
very well in most cases. I'm having a hard time understanding how this
would help.

- Josh

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