On Mar 25, 2018, at 21:40, Rainer Müller wrote:

> On 2018-03-26 04:05, Ryan Schmidt wrote:
>> I ended up fixing it by copying the entire clone to a case-sensitive HFS+ 
>> disk image, running "git checkout gis/LASzip" and "git checkout gis/laszip", 
>> then copying the clone back to my case-insensitive HFS+ disk. If there was 
>> an easier way to fix this, I'd love to know it for future reference.
> Let's go back to the broken commit and simulate this on a new branch:
> $ git checkout -b laszip-broken e3710d6800e803ebaa9528d3bdb38fb2fcade513
> $ git st -s
> M gis/laszip/Portfile
> The problem here is that you cannot get rid of local changes in the
> working tree, because two paths share the same file on disk. Every time
> you checkout one of the files, the other file no longer matches what git
> expects and is considered modified.
> You can break that by deleting the file from disk, so both paths known
> by git will have a consistent state on disk: deleted.
> $ rm gis/laszip/Portfile
> $ git st -s
> D gis/LASzip/Portfile
> D gis/laszip/Portfile
> Now we can pull the latest changes from the remote, which includes the
> commit that removed one of the files. Of course the deleted file is
> still missing, so git still considers this an uncommitted modification.
> $ git pull origin master
> ...
> $ git st -s
> D gis/laszip/Portfile
> To get rid of this state, we discard the local modification and restore
> the file with git checkout.
> $ git checkout gis/laszip/Portfile
> $ git st -s
> $
> Now the working tree is clean again.

Thanks, I'll save your mail for future reference, in case a case collision 
happens again.

I know I tried deleting both paths from disk, but then I must have used "git 
checkout" on one of the paths to try to get the clone into a clean state, which 
I guess reintroduced the problem.

The commands that I have put into my notes, which I copy/paste into the 
Terminal every time I want to bring changes from upstream into my clone of my 
fork, are:

git checkout master
git fetch upstream
git rebase upstream/master

Whenever I try to use those commands, but my clone of my fork is not in a clean 
state, I get an error (Cannot rebase: You have unstaged changes. Please commit 
or stash them.), so that's why I was trying to get my clone into a clean state 
before proceeding.

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