On Mar 26, 2018, at 13:03, macports at parvis.nl wrote:

> On 2018-03-26, at 15:28, Rainer Müller wrote:
>> On 2018-03-26 14:31, macports at parvis.nl wrote:
>>> I'm working on a port for munin 2.0.x
>>> the munin-node component builds and installs java plugins if the Makefile 
>>> can find the javac compiler.
>>> on my system I need to have java but I want to ignore this feature.
>>> code is:
>>> -----
>>> # Java compiler stuff - only needed on the buildhost
>>> JC         := javac
>>> JFLAGS     := -g -source 1.5 -target 1.5 -Xlint
>>> JAR        := jar
>>> # Check if the java compiler works
>>> #    Note that we defer JCVALID evaluation to runtime,
>>> #    since $(JC) can be redefined later in a specific Makefile.config
>>> #    The core Makefile.config is then used as a Makefile.default
>>> JCVALID    = $(shell $(JC) -version >/dev/null 2>/dev/null && echo "yes")
>>> -----
>>> I've tried:
>>> - build.env JCVALID=no
>>> - build.env JC=false
>>> but both don't work.
>> make will not use these variables from the environment, as they are set
>> explicitly in the Makefile. You can only override the variables on the
>> make command line.
>> Try setting the variable in build.args instead:
>> build.args-append JCVALID=no
> no effect


build.args-append JC=false

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