On Sep 26 01:39:38, jon...@hep.phy.cam.ac.uk wrote:
> You could just avoid the problem by using the numerical OS designation.

Exactly. It's 10.13. Why call it something else?

> > We already had this problem long ago with the Lion Problems page showing 
> > Mountain Lion tickets as well:
> > https://trac.macports.org/wiki/LionProblems
> > But we never fixed the problem, instead opting to never create a Mountain 
> > Lion Problems page.


On Sep 26 08:40:44, ryandes...@macports.org wrote:
> > Perhaps Chris is suggesting to just change the tag going forward.
> I would find that more confusing.

How is "10.13" confusing?
How is it more confusing than "High Sierra"?

> I really didn't intend to start a big discussion here.
> I just wanted to point out a small issue with one of our wiki pages
> and to invite someone with interest in fixing the page to do so.

The point of that page, if I get it, is to list problems
specific to that vesion of the OS, and it doesn't,
precisely because "sierra" matches "highsierra" (right?).
So using these silly names is precisely the problem, no?

On Sep 26 15:58:04, smit...@fusion.gat.com wrote:
> If I go to "Apple symbol" -> "About this mac",
> I get a version number, not a name.

Exactly. Why would you use anything else to identify the OS version?

On Sep 27 15:58:12, jon...@hep.phy.cam.ac.uk wrote:
> > Looks like Trac does not support the match operator we would need:
> > https://trac.edgewall.org/ticket/7558
> If thats the case I don't see what we can do (other that start to use a
> numerical keyword instead of highsierra, which I agree we don't want to back
> port to older systems, and having a mix is not ideal either).

It's not ideal, but it's still a good thing to start using
something that works as opposed to continue using something
that apparently does not.

On Sep 27 16:13:45, jon...@hep.phy.cam.ac.uk wrote:
> As a test I tried adding highsierra as a keyword to
> https://trac.macports.org/ticket/53161
> and indeed it disappeared from the Sierra list.
> I then changed the keyword from highsierra to 10.13 ... and it also did not
> work.
> It appears the logic in the code has never worked for these sorts of
> keywords. I just fixed this and now the ticket appears in both lists.

This ticket uses both keywords
but only appears on the HighSierra list.

On the other hand,
uses no keywords and appears on both lists.

> So one work around is to start to try and use 10.13 and 10.12 etc.,
> instead of highsierra, sierra.



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