have a couple of minor questions about port naming that are partly related to 
a recent ticket (55241):

1) lowercase versus CamelCase

We seem to use CamelCase naming mostly for ports that provide software with a 
graphical user interface, eg AquaLess. But not exclusively (e.g. SourceKitten). 
  For instance, we have HandBrakeCLI and HandBrake.  If I have a “mediainfo” 
port providing a CLI tool, should I use “MediaInfo-gui” or “mediainfo-gui” for 
the WIMP version?

2) libsomething versus somethinglib

I recently added the mediainfolib port and pondered whether it should be named 
libmediainfo.  On Repology, 14 repos use the latter, compared to 3 using 
"mediainfolib", even though the GitHub project is named “MediaInfoLib”.


Is there a consensus on either of these issues?

I suspect that we don’t need to make hard and fast rules about either of these 
issues, but maybe we should have at least a brief mention on a wiki page?


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