On 22 Jul 2017, at 03:01, Umesh Singla <umeshksin...@macports.org> wrote:
> I don't know, in the above example, what do you mean when you say "..you 
> realize that from its deps..", like, realize how? I am just asking this if 
> there's some other way to get info on the latest modifications that I might 
> not be aware of.
> 'sync' or 'upgrade outdated' provide the information what all ports got 
> updated immediately on console but I'm not sure if it can be accessed later 
> since the user may not realize that another port has broken immediately, like 
> hstr here.

Since MP doesn't keep logs (!) I keep them myself and investigate when 
something doesn't work properly.

> Another thing that comes to my mind now is if, suppose, updated version of 
> ncurses was actually required for some another port and reverting it to the 
> older state could possibly result in breaking of that port.

No, because, as I said, it would revert to a previous tree state. The thing is 
doing it by reinstalling only the upgraded ports and not the whole tree. It 
shouldn't be difficult to implement.

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