Just a heads up that MacPorts is now listed on a site that details all of the 
packages carried by a wide variety of repositories:


From a MacPorts developer standpoint, it is not a huge deal but there are a 
couple of useful features.  If you look up your maintainer address, you can see 
at a glance if any of your packages are outdated.  This isn’t perfect—for one 
of mine, another repo has an apparently bogus version that is ahead of the 
current release.  Still, most of the comparisons are valid.

Another feature is that Repology tests all of the URL’s related to a port and 
identifies redirects and other concerns.  It is always good to get the details 
right and this gives you a specific list.  Click on your Known Problems link.

Another potiential use is when developing a new port.  If you look up the 
package, you can see details like the names most commonly used, cataegories, 
descriptions, and licence.  Could save a few moments of pondering.

BTW, I was surprised to look up “nomaintainer”.  This poor fellow is looking 
after 9,590 packages and 3,068 of them are outdated!  Looks like s/he needs 
some help!


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