On 2017-1-14 07:28 , Daniel J. Luke wrote:
On Jan 13, 2017, at 3:01 PM, Craig Treleaven <ctrelea...@macports.org> wrote:
Suppose I create an mpkg installer just for mariadb-server. The scripts are
included for the mariadb-server component, as expected. However, when ‘port
mpkg’ builds the installer component for the mariadb (client) software is ALSO
includes the Pre/Postinstall scripts—it doesn’t know that they’re only intended
for the server side.
Why does it do that?
To me, it seems like the simple solution would be for the scripts that pertain
to mariadb-server to only be included with the mariadb-server port and not with
the mariadb (client) port.
I agree. Craig, it's not clear what exactly you are doing, so it's very
difficult to say whether the result is correct or not.
- Josh