On Thu, 29 Dec 2016, [windows-1252] Marko Käning wrote:
> On 29 Dec 2016, at 00:05 , Mojca Miklavec <mo...@macports.org> wrote:
> > Today I'm exercising a somewhat weird practice. I collect just a small
> > number of symlinks to macports-ports from git in my local tree. I'm
> > not too happy about this though, adding and removing symlinks is
> > sometimes a bit annoying.
> I have the full clone with all ports. The initial portindex run takes ages, 
> subsequent
> ones are then much faster.
> Yet, this makes my default rsync’ed port tree unusable, as the git-clone is 
> shadowing it
> as a whole.
> I didn’t want to go for the symlink juggling… But then I seem to have to live 
> with the
> fact that I can forget about
>    $ sudo port selfupdate && sudo port upgrade outdated
> and rather always do a
>    $ git pull upstream master && portindex && sudo port upgrade outdated

I've been using the symlink approach, even in the subversion days.  It
just means having to create or remove a symlink whenever a given port
changes between locally modified and not locally modified.  It would
probably be possible to create a script to manage the symlinks
automatically, but it hasn't seemed worth the trouble.

The local mods are all on a branch that can be trivially rebased except
when there are actual conflicts.  I'd never use "pull" as an update
mechanism for this.

With this approach, all content except the locally modified ports comes
from rsync as usual, and the local portindex only contains the modified
ports.  The usual selfupdate/upgrade works fine, and mostly doesn't care
whether the git repo is up to date.

Fred Wright

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