Hi Wilhelm - Thanks for the reply.

doxygen has no dependency on qt5. "doxygen +wizard" depends on qt4-mac,
and that's the only Qt dependency for doxygen, according to 'port', of
course. It is certainly possible that doxygen has been updated to find
and require Qt5 & that "stealth" change has not been picked up by anyone
including the primary port maintainer, but I'd doubt it.

It -is- true that, if you are installing 'port' from scratch, then
doxygen almost always fails to build the first time (I don't recall why;
nor if I've looked into this issue; nor if anybody has tried to fix this
issue). The solution is to do:
sudo port clean doxygen
sudo port install doxygen
and, then go back to the original install, which should now work (seems
to be 100% reliable in user testing for people working with me in this
regard). In particular, this happens when installing any GNU Radio port,
which would include Gqrx.

If I had to guess, I'd guess that this doxygen weirdness is your issue,
rather than that Gqrx or doxygen has a missing dependency. You can test
this directly by looking at the contents of the doxygen port install
("port contents doxygen"), then using "otool -L" on any binaries
(executables and libraries) therein.

For me, "contents" is just "/opt/local/bin/doxygen", and the otool
command returns 'port' dependency on just libiconv & 3 system libraries
-- so, no Qt there.

For me, "Gqrx" is primarily
"/opt/local/Applications/Qt5/Gqrx.app/Contents/MacOS/Gqrx", with
symlinks in common paths to this binary executable. "otool" returns some
Qt5 framework libraries:
Each of these is part of "port contents qt5-qtbase", which you can
discover either directly via "port contents qt5-qtbase | grep QtWidgets"
(etc), or via the automated way:
for tf in $(otool -L
/opt/local/Applications/Qt5/Gqrx.app/Contents/MacOS/Gqrx | sed -e 1d |
grep Qt | awk '{ print $1 }'); do port provides "$tf"; done

Hope this helps ... my US$0.02 worth. - MLD

On Sun, Dec 11, 2016, at 08:17 AM, Wilhelm Speck wrote:
> thanks for your feedback.
> When installing the port it began building the oxygen package, which
> failed until I installed qt5 first.
> The gqrx is the first port I installed after installing macports.

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