On Mon, Dec 5, 2016 at 6:56 PM, Joshua Root <j...@macports.org> wrote:

> On 2016-12-6 11:49 , Eric A. Borisch wrote:
>> I'm going to throw in my 2c again asking for the 'squash and commit'
>> button to be activated. I'm much more likely to wander through and
>> commit some cut-and-dried PRs if it is something I can do drive-by, or
>> even from my phone.
>> And by cut-and-dried, I mean PRs from a prior contributor updating
>> checksum and version numbers on a port, for example.
> If it's that cut-and-dried, what's wrong with rebase and merge?
> - Josh

If there have been comments and an updated PR (multiple commits),should I
rebase-and-merge from the web?. I thought the answer was no (non-linear
commit history?) This was the particular case when I first brought it up.
Just trying to reduce the "friction" to contributing to MP.

 - Eric

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