Hi, This has come up on the QtCurve PR and I cannot seem to find an explicit answer in the wiki (https://trac.macports.org/wiki/WorkingWithGit#pr)
If a pull request has seen some evolution and thus commits due to the review process and/or somehow related reasons (for instance, because the process dragged on), should the commit history be squashed or not? I would expect not, certainly not if squashing to a single atomic commit means that whatever remains of the PR ticket after merging will no longer allow to see the evolution of the commit, and if that evolution is deemed to be of interest. Most other projects I know that accept patches through review use a separate review mechanism or simply a bug tracker, and then include a reference to the review request and/or bug ticket in the final, atomic commit to the repository. BTW, does a PR remain accessible via github.com after the source branch from which the pull was made has been deleted? R.