
I’ve a problem on a website I look after and I’m trying to replicate the 
configuration locally on my Mac to ease debugging.

So I’ve installed apache24 and stumbled on the following roadblocks or hitches:

1. Why is apache24 still called “apache24-devel”?

2. APR-UTIL should:
        a. Be dependant on whatever db version is installed and not db46. I 
wrote this:
        # DB dependency 
        set db_list [lsort [glob ${prefix}/lib/db??]]
        set db_most_recent [lindex [split [lindex $db_list 0] /] end]
        if {$db_most_recent == ""} { set db_most_recent "db60" }

        depends_lib port:apr port:expat port:libiconv port:$db_most_recent 

        b. Have a mariadb10 variant

3. PHP56-APACHE2HANDLER likewise cannot be used as is with Apache24. There 
should be a +apache24 variant or some form of auto-detect. The correct 
configuration for Apache24 is thus:

        depends_lib-append port:apache24-devel 
        require_active_variants apache24 preforkmpm 
        set apxs ${prefix}/bin/apxs 
        set confdir ${prefix}/etc/apache2/conf 
        set moduledir ${prefix}/lib/apache2/modules 

Here we are. Thanks for listening to my rambling!

Cheers all.

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