On 2016-11-14 18:11, Eric A. Borisch wrote:
> If squash-and-merge is what we're going to want for pull requests, can
> we re-enable the button? (Also known as, if we're using GitHub, can we
> use GitHub?) Ideally contributions from others (like this pull request)
> should be as painless (read as: fewest steps that still achieve the
> desired ends) as possible on both sides.

In the migration, we were reluctant to enable "Squash and merge", as it
would be the default option when enabled. GitHub does not allow to
select a different default. Developers without Git/GitHub experience
(and there seem to be quite a few) might be tempted to just press the
default button. As there was a consensus to keep the history mostly
linear [1], "Rebase and merge" was the best compromise as default, which
is only achievable by disabling the other options.

Maintainers should checkout the pull request to test the changes, so
they can also squash and rebase the commits locally and then push the
result. Just remember to add the appropriate "Closes: #xx" to the commit
message, so GitHub can properly attribute the change.


[1] https://trac.macports.org/wiki/WorkingWithGit#Rebasing

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