Re: $Id$ headers: I found them quite useful as a quick an unambiguous way to 
compare file versions chronologically. Isn't there a way to bring this back 
a pre-commit hook and possibly `git interpret-trailers`? I've dabbled in adding 
things to my commit messages but never in modifying the files to be committed 
themselves, so I don't know if it's doable. But it'd be something that only 
(concerned) port maintainers with commit rights need to do, so it doesn't seem 
unreasonable to suppose they'd be able to follow instructions on how to put 
in place.

As to those who don't have commit access but consider doing pull requests: am I 
right that they could set up their working copy of the ports tree to use a 
personal fork on github as the default remote for pushing while still pulling 
from the official repo? I don't think I've seen that mentioned in the Wiki (but 
it's quite likely I missed it).


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