On 2016-11-05 18:12, Marko Käning wrote: > Hi Rainer, > > On 05 Nov 2016, at 01:47 , Rainer Müller <rai...@macports.org> wrote: > >> On 2016-11-04 18:46, Lawrence Velázquez wrote: >>> Actually, I might have been thinking about another editor. My vim >>> highlights the subject in *green* up until 50 chars, and then black for >>> the overflow. But one can probably change that black to red if they want >>> :P >> >> .vimrc: >> hi def link gitcommitOverflow Error > > thanks for sharing that recipe. > > But, this only works in the 50 chars long title. > > What about the 72 chars long lines starting at line #3?
Indeed, that is not covered by the syntax rules for gitcommit [1]. You can achieve this with additional syntax highlighting rules. So here is the whole thing again with these additions: ---8<--- filetype plugin indent on syntax on hi def link gitcommitOverflow Error autocmd BufEnter * \ if &textwidth > 0 | \ exec 'match Overlength /\%>' . &textwidth . 'v.\+/' | \ endif hi def link Overlength Error " or customize it with other colors "hi OverLength ctermbg=LightRed guibg=LightRed --->8--- The '*' in the above autocmd is a wildcard match against the filename, so if you want this for git only, replace it with COMMIT_EDITMSG. Rainer [1] /opt/local/share/vim/vim80/syntax/gitcommit.vim