When this option is selected, LyX automatically adds:
\usepackage{color} before babel is loaded. If a multilingual Italian/Spanish document is involved (Spanish being the main language), this causes the document to fail to compile (with an updated MiKTeX distribution), such as the following minimal example: \documentclass[italian,spanish]{book} \usepackage{color} \usepackage{babel} \usepackage[colorlinks=true]{hyperref} \begin{document} foo \end{document} The problem is easily solved in LaTeX by loading color after babel is loaded. In LyX there is also a workaround: providing colorlinks=true as an additional hyperref option, which is not very elegant, because the LaTeX translate will look like: \usepackage[colorlinks=false,colorlinks=true]{hyperref} Is it possible to influence LyX to load color after babel being loaded?