On Thu, 25 Sep 2014 18:44:46 +0200, Hugo Hinterberger <hugo.hinterber...@gmx.net> wrote:


I would like to use the "<Reference> on Page <Page>" cross-referencing
format from refstyle in LyX.
I set the "Use refstyle (not prettyref) for cross-rferences" option in the
Document settings, but LyX uses the \vref{LabelPrefix:Label} command for
the references.

I tried to work around LyX with this:

This should essentially replace the \vref{LabelPrefix:Label} command LyX
inserts/outputs with \LabelPrefixref[vref]{Label} which would be the
refstyle command to get the "<Reference> on Page <Page>" cross-referencing

Could someone who has more experience in TeX/LaTeX please point out what I
did wrong.

Kind regards,

As I noticed before the actual format I want is "Formatted Reference on Page <Page>".

I now have a solution that works on the mwe:
\def\formatreftext#1:#2 {\csname#1ref\endcsname[vref]{#2}}
\def\vref#1{\formatreftext #1 }


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