Enrico Forestieri <forenr <at> lyx.org> writes:

> Josh McSorley writes:
> > 
> > Additional note:
> > I do not have spaces in folder or file names so this is not the source of
> > the problem (some folks in earlier trheads have discussed this
> > 
> > If this is known problem with LyX (or MikTex), even if there is no solution
> > (or it requires an update), if someone can let me know that would be great.
> The problem is that yap locks the dvi file and the script cannot access it.
> If you google for "yap locks dvi file" you'll get tons of hits.

Hi Enrico:

Yes I see tons of posts you are right!
I am guessing yap locking is my problem.
Do you know a solution to this (could not see one in any of the threads I
read), or should I simply be using another previewer?

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