2014-09-24 9:40 GMT+02:00 Jim Oldfield <quietbritish...@yahoo.co.uk>:

> Another way would be insert->box->frameless. Change the width of the box
> by right clicking on it and choosing settings. Do this for each column,
> possibly choosing a different width for each box and alignment within it.
> Then copy and paste these boxes to later lines. Make sure you change the
> paragraph settings for the *outside* of the boxes to have no indent,
> otherwise the first paragraph may be different to the others.
> Jim
> From: lyx-users@lists.lyx.org [mailto:lyx-users@lists.lyx.org] On Behalf
> Of Wolfgang Engelmann
> Sent: 24 September 2014 7:35 AM
> To: lyx-users@lists.lyx.org
> Subject: Re: pseudo TAB in lyx
> Would
> Insert>Formatting>horizontal space>horizontal fill
> help?
> Wolfgang
> Am 23.09.2014 um 22:07 schrieb Renato Pontefice:
> Hi,
> I used Rigt address class,
> what I'm looking for, is a kind of Word action, when I write address, in
> this way
> TO:---------Name
> ADDR:----Addr name
> CITY-------Paris
> I obtain this, using TAB. But LyX (rightly) does not use this
> How can I obtain that?
> I mean: I need to align, more words in different line. Until now, I found
> the way to allign all the line at the same place.
> Do I explain my self?
> Renato
> Renato

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