For Koma script you can use in the preamble %%Seitenangabe oben rechts >>page number top right
\usepackage{scrpage2}%%ohne diesen Befehl gehen die folgenden nicht! \pagestyle{scrheadings} %% auf benutzerdefinierten Stil umschalten \clearscrheadfoot \ihead{\headmark} \ohead{\pagemark} %% Seitenzahl oben mittig Am 22.09.2014 um 20:33 schrieb Harold Mouras:
Dear Lyx Users, the journal for which I am writing an article is asking a different page numbering with "page numbers go in the upper right-hand corner, starting with p. 2 as the Abstract in the manuscript (which is the page 3 of the LyX document). How would that be possible ? Thank you very much in advance, Best, Harold