Hi Stephan,

It is me again. Now I have troubles to compile with the export command.

I have the right LyX path, since it works with the —help option. However, the 
export does not work. I get the error message:

Error: Couldn't export file
No information for exporting the format Postscript.

I have tried it with various formats like Postscript (example above) and HTML 
since I figured maybe "PDF (pdflatex)” (wich I actually would need) with the 
space in between and the quotation mark might be an issues.
Do I understand it correctly, that I could use any format listed in the menu 
File/Export ?

my command looks like this (e.g. with the Postscript option):

 /Applications/LyX.app/Contents/MacOS/lyx -e Postscript  Chapter_01.lyx 

I have also tried with  —export, but of course that should’t make a difference. 
I have checked, I am in the right path, where the LyX file is located.

Any suggestion what I might have done wrong?

Thank you.

All the best,

PS: When I move to LyX it gives me an error message:  Error reading module 
basis (see below).

On Sep 18, 2014, at 09:24 , Helmut Hauser <hhau...@ifi.uzh.ch> wrote:

> Hi Stephan,
> On Sep 18, 2014, at 08:19 , Stephan Witt <st.w...@gmx.net> wrote:
>> Am 17.09.2014 um 12:23 schrieb Helmut Hauser <hhau...@ifi.uzh.ch>:
>>> Hi everybody,
>>> I am trying to write a shell script to compile individual LyX files 
>>> automatically. I was able to find on  
>>> http://wiki.lyx.org/FAQ/ImportExport
>>> that one can use:
>>> lyx --export FORMAT myfile.lyx
>>> I tried that and I get there error that the command “lyx" can not be found
>>> -bash: lyx: command not found
>>> It seem it it is not in my binary path. The problem might be that I am 
>>> working on a Mac (OS 10.9.4). However, I was not able to locate lyx in 
>>> order to add the right path in front of the command.
>>> If found it int "Applications/_ifi_applications/LyX/Contents/MacOS/lyx”, 
>>> but I am not able to access it even with the full path. 
>>> When I copy it with the finder to the folder where I need it, I get a link 
>>> (alias), however, it tells me that I don’t have permissions, although I do 
>>> have reading and writing permission ( for the link and for the original 
>>> command).
>>> Now I am stuck…. 
>> On Mac OS you have to type the full path. But the path you gave is weird. 
>> Are you sure?
> Well, regarding the weird path, I have organized my Application folder with 
> an additional subfolder called “_ifi_applications” for work reasons. However, 
> the main issue was that I looked into my local Application folder 
> (/Users/my_account_name/Applications/….) and not into the “global" one.
> Now it works. Thank you very much for this. You made my day!
> All the best,
> Helmut
>> This is how it works for me (on 10.8.6):
>> $ /Applications/LyX.app/Contents/MacOS/lyx --help
>> Aufruf: lyx [ Befehlszeilenoptionen ] [ name.lyx ... ]
>> Befehlszeilenoptionen (Groß-/Kleinschreibung beachten):
>>      -help             Zusammenfassende Hilfshinweise
>>      -userdir dir      Setzt das Benutzerverzeichnis auf dir
>>      -sysdir dir       Setzt das Systemverzeichnis auf dir
>> ...
>>      -e [--export] fmt Exportiert in das Format fmt.
>> Stephan
> ---------------------------------------------------------
> Helmut Hauser, Ph.D.
> Artificial Intelligence Laboratory
> Dept. of Informatics, University of Zurich
> Andreasstr. 15, CH-8050 Zurich, Switzerland
> ---------------------------------------------------------
> email:        hhau...@ifi.uzh.ch
> skype:        helmuthauser
> tel:          +41 44 635 4310
> web:          http://ailab.ifi.uzh.ch/
> ---------------------------------------------------------

Helmut Hauser, Ph.D.
Artificial Intelligence Laboratory
Dept. of Informatics, University of Zurich
Andreasstr. 15, CH-8050 Zurich, Switzerland
email:  hhau...@ifi.uzh.ch
skype:  helmuthauser
tel:            +41 44 635 4310
web:            http://ailab.ifi.uzh.ch/

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