On 09/04/2014 03:34 PM, Rudi Gaelzer wrote:
I'm facing the same problem with a beamer presentation created with LyX 2.0 
(\lyxformat 413).
Now, I have version 2.1.1 but I get the same crash message.
I have had several similar incidents, but I have also managed to successfully convert dozens of older beamer files to 2.1 --- usually with no problems at all.

Here is what I found: The files that I had trouble with all had hand-built blocks in them (such as adding a Remark block or something like that, to the ones that are available by default). The old format for blocks does not get translated to the new one.

I could get the files to load by eliminating the old blocks. There is a new block environment, so you could put them back into the format that you want.

The old beamer class was quite a hack. This new one does seem to be more reasonable, although it takes some getting used to, and the nesting issues could be handled better. Given the variability of how blocks may have been built up on your old files, getting a converter to handle them all may be difficult.

David L. Johnson
Department of Mathematics
Lehigh University

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