Am 18.07.2014 um 11:43 schrieb Fabio Fiorelli <>:

> This are screenshots from a machine in which LyX 2.1.0 was installed with 
> Hunspell already in. The procedure I use is simply
>       • tar the archive
>       • Enter the unpacked folder
>       • Use ./configure
>       • check it gives no error flag.
>       • make (I use the regular make as I'm not familiar with cmake)
>       • make install as su

Please provide the config.log.

Can you please double-check that the hunspell package *for developers* is 
If this is not the case then retry after installing them.
Then check the output of your configure run if it differs from the previous one.


> On 07/17/2014 11:25 PM, Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:
>> Le 17/07/14 18:35, Fabio Fiorelli a écrit : 
>>> Hi Jean Marc. There seem to be no additional flags required. 
>>> Configuration 
>>>    Host type:                    i686-pc-linux-gnu 
>>>    Special build flags:          build=release use-hunspell 
>>>    C++ Compiler:                 g++ (4.4.7) 
>>>    C++ Compiler LyX flags: 
>>>    C++ Compiler flags:            -O2 
>>>    Linker flags: 
>>>    Linker user flags: 
>>>    Qt 4 Frontend: 
>>>        Qt 4 version:        4.6.2 
>>>    Packaging:                    posix 
>>>    LyX binary dir:               /usr/local/bin 
>>>    LyX files dir:                /usr/local/share/lyx 
>>> In fact I tested it right now in another virtual machine. 
>>> Lyx 2.1.1 installs correctly with access to hunspell without any further 
>>> configuration, while Lyx 2.1 doesn't. 
>>> Should I go forward? Thank you for your understanding. 
>> It is very weird... So USE_HUNSPELL is defined in config.h (in build 
>> directory°? 
>> If so, I wonder why the entry is greyed out. Could you provide a screenshot? 
>> JMarc 
> <engine.jpeg><path.jpeg>

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