Am 11.06.2014 09:53, schrieb Wolfgang Engelmann:
Am 11.06.2014 09:47, schrieb Wolfgang Engelmann:
Am 10.06.2014 22:26, schrieb Alex Vergara Gil:
----- Original Message ----- From: Wolfgang Engelmann Sent: Tuesday,
June 10, 2014 2:19 PM
Thanks, Alex, for the new lyx file. I now realized, that I had to
load the matplotlib and pandas packages, which I did. I followed
your advices
Define a new file format in tools>preferences, name it Python
graphics, extension pygr and vector image format ticked
Define a new converter from the format Python graphics to the format
EPS as ...
After reconfigure (necessary?) and making sure the two example
graphics (in pygr format) are found in the path I get this error
No, reconfigure is not necessary
LaTeX Warning: File `0_home_we_Lyx_PhytonGraphics_example.eps' not
found on input line 83.
Why is it expecting an eps file instead of taking the pygr files?
indeed a eps file is expected
What am I missing?
Did you can see the graphic within LyX? Did LyX display it correctly
in your system? if not the case check that the example script is
located at the same path than the lyx file, another way is to click
in the inserted graphic and look for the example.pygr path
Yes, all this is ok. However, both graphics (example.pygr,
example2.pygr) show: Error converting to loadable format.
Another possible explanation is that your system doesn't handle with
eps, in this case you should change the definition and instead of
eps, put pdf or png as final format, whichever work for you, you can
check that because it will display the graphic within LyX even
before you export anything!
I have changed to png, now the first example renders alright (in
LyX), but the second one not. Shouldn't your LyX file contain already
your tools>preferences settings? Or how can one make LyX remember
these settings, so that people trying it have not to fiddle with it?
Sorry, I should have read the last part: Using more advanced python
libraries are also allowed, like this example using seaborn, scipy
and numpy. To obtain extra python packages you have to install the
python-pip package manager and perform“pip install package” with root
permissions, where package can be seaborn for instance. So I will try
installing this and hope it will work. An additional question I will
mail separately. Wolfgang
I can' find seaborn for python in synaptic (Kubuntu). Quoting: where
package can be seaborn for instance.
What other instances are available?