On Wed, May 21, 2014 at 12:57 PM, leonardo corral <leocorral2...@yahoo.com> wrote: > Dear sir: > I have written the material for a book in Spanish using Word. Could I copy > and paste it in Lyx? A friend showed me a text in Lyx and I could see the > advantages of it. > > Thanks in advance for your answer.
Hi Leonardo, Yes, this is definitely possible. In fact, we have a list for Spanish speakers. To subscribe, send a blank email to lyx-es-subscr...@lists.lyx.org. The main issue is not whether LyX will work for Spanish. It is converting Word to LyX. I have no experience with this but some on this list do. Also note that there is a (proprietary, $30) tool that can convert Word documents to LyX: http://wiki.lyx.org/Tools/LyXConverter Best, Scott