On Wed, May 21, 2014 at 7:39 AM, Daniel CLEMENT <dcleme...@laposte.net> wrote:

>> Can you send a small example?
> Sure. I had not done it because it is trivial: just one section title
> and one paragraph. I'm attaching it.

Thanks. (I always ask just in case because often users have strange
things in their LaTeX preambles or modules or strange document

>> Also, which version of LyX are you using?
> It's LyX 2.0.6, right from the Debian repository (but I think I had
> noticed that already some time ago). Wonder if it's still the case in
> 2.1.

It is still the case. It turns out it has to do with the babel
definition for French. Take a look at
See section 2.11:
In French the first paragraph of each section should be indented, this
is another difference with US-English.

I'm not sure how LyX could know this. We could make a list of how
things currently are in babel and hope the indentations don't change
often. Parsing the language definition files is probably overkill.


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