Dear LyX-users, I am writing some scripts to create PDFs from a number of LyX files. I use Windows, but to maximize cross-platform portability, I'm writing the scripts for Cygwin so that they can run on unix and MacOS. I would like to know whether one of the following three options is preferable:
1. Add my current Windows installation of LyX and MikTeX to my Cygwin PATH variable, so cygwin can find lyx.exe, etc. 2. In Cygwin, install the most recent version of LyX (and, presumably, texlive or some other latex engine) and run the cygwin scripts using these. 3. Download the tar.gz Cygwin binary directly from and [install? compile?] it. This is currently a bit beyond my ability, although I could learn. Any other general tips for Cygwin and LyX are of course appreciated. Thanks, BL PS - W7-64, LyX 2.0.8, MikTeX 2.9.