Guten Morgen Jonas,

The first step with your document should be to change the style of some of
your mathematics to display (Insert > Math > Display Formula, or

For example, the long equation on page 5, lines 5 and 6 would be better
suited as a an AMS align environment (Insert > Math > AMS align
Environment). In this way your maths would have space above and below, and
it is really easy to get all the alignment correct and nicely spaced.

Also, I notice you have sentences starting "Definition: ...". In the
Document Settings dialog you should investigate the Modules pane,
particularly the "Theorems (AMS)..." modules. Read the notes that appear
when clicking on each module, then add the correct one. Then you should
find a "Definition" style in the style dropdown menu.

Hope this helps.


On 26 April 2014 09:18, Jonas J. <> wrote:

> Hello you wizzards! :)
> i just got a beginner question this time i was working in Lyx.
> Which format options do i have in the article class to make the math lines
> look more contrasted from the text lines?
> I do not have set any special settings in this article.
> My article is attached in this Mail.
> When i look at page 6 i really want my article to have a 1,5 line
> difference between math lines and text lines. And maybe there is a better
> solution for this. Probably there a even more ways to make the math/text
> format structure more clear and better readable.
> Could you please tell me a way to archieve that?
> Thank you alot for your help!
> Jonas

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