> On Apr 16, 2014, at 9:49 AM, Richard Heck <rgh...@lyx.org> wrote:
>> On 04/16/2014 05:06 AM, Norbert Böhm wrote:
>> Hello,
>> can I ask here to a Lyx - Problem with Graphics?
>> So, the Problem is, that I want to set a Graphic over the holy entire
>> of a A4 - Page. I may set of the margins for this site. I think there
>> is a special TEX - command to do this, but I searched yesterday for
>> many hours and found different and unclear answers.
> Just FYI for anyone who wants to answer this: What Norbert wants to do
> is have a graphic that covers the entire page, and not just the page
> within the margins. For the horizontal aspect, one can center it. But
> how to do it for the vertical aspect?
> Richard

This won't be a helpful response, but why are you using lyx to do
this? It seems like your basic run-of-the-mill previewer would be a
better tool. You might use gimp or Inkscape if you wanted to get a
little fancier.


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