Am 11.04.2014 17:45, schrieb Wolfgang Engelmann:
Slightly off topic: I am trying to get umlaute in a Lilypond Lyx file,
\markup {
\vspace #1
\fontsize #1 {
Sakura, sakura, der Frühlingshimmel,
The Umlaute ue is not displayed.
I have tried various proposals made in the internet,
but had no success -converting in a text editor into UTF8 before
importing, using octal code ..
Could somebody give me a solution?
Recommended is to use a text editor which changes the coding to UTF8. I
used jedit for it.
However, inserting the text in the ERT of my lilypond lyx file did not help:
The Umlaute (diacritics) e.g. ü = ue are not shown in the pdf output;
instead the vowel is not shown at all, no space:
Hügel (Huegel) is shown as Hgel.
Another method recommended is to cut the UTF8 coded Umlaut and paste it
in the text. That did not help either (same as above).
including \"u in the tex inset of the lyx file gave:
An error occurred while running:
lilypond-book --safe --pdf --latex-program=pdflatex --lily-output-dir=ly-pdf
Unfortunately in the lilypond help file of lyx I could not find any note
on this issue.
Anybody who knows what one could do?