Thank you for your reply. If these problems which have frustrated me and
wasted my time‹ are well known by other users and there are solutions to
them  as you say ‹- then WHY have the solutions not been embedded in the
latest beta?
I understand software development issues and the need to update as changes
are made but my comment above remains- as a simple user I need to be able to
use the software- if there are well know problems in the software on
particular platforms then surely the developers have a responsibility to
remove them when the  software is upgraded? This applies equally to open
source community based as to commercial software.

From:  Murat Yildizoglu <>
Date:  Friday, 28 March 2014 13:39
To:  Mark Salmon <>
Cc:  Jürgen Spitzmüller <>, Murat Yildizoglu
<>, LyX Users List <>
Subject:  Re: Adding new class into LyX


I understand your frustrations, but these installation discrepancies are
small problems, and they are perfectly known normally by the users (you can
search the mail list, and you will find these problems there and solutions
to them). So you have not been cheated by a commercial vendor hiding from
you the deficiencies of the product he sells (see below on your
responsibilities as a user, from my point of view as a user)...

There was also a lot of discussion about the big rewriting of the BEAMER
module in the previous beta version. This is a big change, but it goes in
the correct direction, even if each of us had to take sometime to get used
to the new standard. You should read the documentation on the new beamer
module. My beamer slides from much older versions of LyX have nearly all
been imported without any big problems (including elements in the preamble,
but see the end of this paragraph). You sometime need to add a separation at
the end of a slide, and eliminate instructions - old tricks - that are not
necessary in the newer versions of beamer.

In any case, this is a software developed by a community of dedicated
developers with limited resources, as J ürgen reminds it in his message. And
I am grateful to them that they indeed "put this software out to the
public", to which I belong (I am mainly a user).

Communities developing open source softs cannot just reply "take it or leave
it" to users who formulate criticisms, but these users have also the
responsibility of taking time to collect some information about the soft
before adopting it  (because adopting a new software is a time consuming
process, whatever is the software - commercial like SWP or not), and of
making suggestions of amelioration for the soft, when they have new needs,
instead of flaming the community with their definitive improductive

I hope that you will quickly solve your problems.


2014-03-28 13:58 GMT+01:00 Mark Salmon <>:
> Aplogies for lack of immediate  response - I had to teach. I have had
> frustrations with Lyx  ever since I moved from SciWord several years ago.
> Yesterday I upgraded to the latest beta and now when I try and load up a New
> file I get the error message that there is no begin document command when
> there clearly is in the source file- I wasted half a day trying to work out
> what was wrong- in fact I still don¹t know what was wrong but by removing use
> theme warsaw from the Latex preamble it works for some reason- secondly the
> installation on MacOSx does not drop the relevant files -templates  etc. in
> the right places where the system can find them ‹- so when I ask for a New
> from template I am told the file will not compile as it requires external
> files which are not available.etc. Etc. etc. can you understand how
> frustrating this is when you are under pressure???  I am not a TeX speaker but
> someone who needs to use the wonderful system that  you have helped to create
> in a professional context. HoweverŠ. It is just a real pain that it does not
> work properly on a Mac largely because of install problems I believe. I fully
> understand your effort and all those who along with you have helped create Lyx
> in the form it is today ­ thank you- but that is not the point ­ nobody should
> put any software out to the public which does not work as it should­ my time
> as yours is valuable. It is simply not professional.
> Mark
> From:  Jürgen Spitzmüller <>
> Date:  Friday, 28 March 2014 10:44
> To:  Murat Yildizoglu <>
> Cc:  Mark Salmon <>, Steven Fredman
> <>, LyX Users List <>
> Subject:  Re: Adding new class into LyX
> 2014-03-28 11:33 GMT+01:00 Murat Yildizoglu:
>> Don't get vexed so quickly Jürgen :-)  The users should be able to tell the
>> problems they meet.
> Sure, but in a constructive way. We cannot fix "a total waste of time" and
> "terrible support".
>> It is true that writing a module for supporting a new class file is not very
>> easy, but I do not know how it could be. We must find a way to tell to the
>> WSYWYM software a way to represent on the screen the new logical components
>> that are specific to this new class. Scientific Word (a commercial software
>> costing a LOT money- especially in France) has always been confronted to the
>> same problem, even if they provided a graphical style composer (it was not
>> very easy to use either, but I have not tested it recently, since I have
>> switched to Lyx).
> Sure. We all want some graphical tool to setup layout files. There even were
> attempts to do so. But then, we are about 7 persons in the core team, all of
> has have a job and a career, so it is a it is in OSS: Things get implemented
> if someone finds the time and interest.
> OTOH, I think LyX has a great community. Usually, if someone requests for help
> with setting up a layout, he gets help within the same day. I have responded
> the OP within minutes, even though I actually have a paper to write myself at
> this very moment (where the deadline has passed already).
> So with all respect to wishes and dreams, my understanding for such
> unconstructive rants is rather limited.
> Jürgen


Prof. Murat Yildizoglu

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