----- Original Message ----- From: "José Alejandro Lugo García" <jal...@uci.cu>

-In Ubuntu repositories there are full LaTeX engine? If so, I will think about migrate completely and use LyX on that enviroment. Actually I 'm not doing that because the problem I have with accent in LyX version 2.0.2 from my Ubuntu 12.04 already installed on my machine. But, if at Ubuntu 14.04 will be put a latest version that solve most of my current problems then yes, I would love to use LyX on Ubuntu OS.



The accents problem is not a lyx issue, but wrong keyboard configuration, so even if you upgrade to the newest OS you will remain with that problem, so I recommend you to check your keyboard layouth been in spanish, any version (traditional sort, Latin American sort or Spain sort). That problem will vanish then. Even if you have an english keyboard you will have access to accents there.


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