Hi guys,
first of all thanks for your efforts, it does look great! However I am
still frustrated in using it on my device with a high resolution screen
(Windows), as the icons are too small (the problem that I highlighted here:
but was unable to solve on my own): any chance this could be solved in
2.1 final release? I am sure I am not alone with this problem, and from
the release notes it seems this issue is still there.
Thanks again,
On 26/03/2014 21:41, Vincent van Ravesteijn wrote:
Public release of LyX version 2.1.0rc1
We are proud to announce the first release candidate of the new
LyX 2.1 series.
With this release, LyX celebrates 18 years of existence. The 2.1 series
has a rich set of new features compared to the current stable series.
LyX 2.1.0rc1 is the culmination of three years of hard work.
This release is meant for testing before we actually release LyX 2.1.
An overview of the new features can be found here:
You can download LyX 2.1.0rc1 from ftp://ftp.lyx.org/pub/lyx/devel/.
We hope you will enjoy the result!
The file RELEASE-NOTES lists some known issues and problems compared
to the current stable releases (LyX 2.0.x). We strongly recommend that
packagers of LyX on various platforms and distributions read this file.
As with any major release, this one comes with lot of new features but
also some bugs. If you think you have found a bug in LyX 2.1.0rc1,
either email the LyX developers' mailing list (lyx-devel at
or open a bug report at http://www.lyx.org/trac/wiki/BugTrackerHome.
If you have trouble using LyX or have a question, consult the
documentation that comes with LyX (under Help) and the LyX wiki, which
will find at http://wiki.lyx.org/. You can also send email to the LyX
list (lyx-users at lists.lyx.org).
The LyX team.
Prof. Paola Manzini
School of Economics and Finance
University of St. Andrews
Castlecliffe, The Scores
St. Andrews KY16 9AL
Scotland, U.K.
tel: +44 (0)1334 462436
fax: +44 (0)1334 462444
Skype: paolamanzini
The University of St Andrews is a charity registered in Scotland : No SC013532