Dear LyX devels and users,

an issue has come up in our current efforts to produce a reliable
LibreOffice exporter/converter from LyX that concerns how to export
mathematical expressions. We need some user input and common use cases
to make sensible design choices. Feel free to skip the technical
details below and jump directly to the questions at the end, if you

Here is the problem:

We can export a math expression to a LibreOffice/ODt file as MathML
(there are still issues, but assume for the moment that the export
will be perfect). However, LIbreOffice's supports only a limited
subset of the MathML standard, and does not even use such MathML
internally (it uses a format  called StarMath that resembles very much
the troff/eqn format but is much less expressive,  for those who are
interested in this kind of things).
Moreover, LibreOffice uses the "Semantic" version of MathML, whereas
the exporter uses the "Presentation" version, which further
complicates issues.

We are thus faced with a design choice:

1. Leave the exporter as it is and be left with imperfect and
sometimes incomplete but editable math expressions when LaTeX is used
at its fullest

2. Instruct the exporter to produces images of math expressions
instead of MathML, and leave the job to create a perfect-looking math
expression in LibreOffice/Word to the publisher/typesetter.

Notice that in either case we could store the original LaTeX
expression in the XML file for further processing (for instance for a
return conversion to LyX).

The choice between (1) and (2), in my opinion, depends on the most
common use cases.

A. If the "consumer" of an exported word file is a  publisher and the
mathematical expressions are complicated, then option (2) seems more
reasonable. LibreOffice intrinsic limitations makes it very difficult
if not impossible to produce a satisfactory, editable  formula from a
complex LaTeX expression.

B. On the other hand, if the  math expressions are relatively simple,
then aiming for editable formulas may be an achievable goal

C. Finally, if the "consumer" is a colleague with whom you
collaborate, (2) seems to make more sense: editing will be carried out
on the LyX/LaTeX side.

======================= QUESTIONS====================

So the questions are:

1. Are you a potential user of a Word/LibreOffice export converters?

2. If so, do you use routinely use mathematical expressions in your documents?

3. Why do you/would you need to export to LibreOffice/Word format? (to
send the documents to publishers, mentors, advisors, colleagues, and
so on)


Feedback welcome!!



Stefano Franchi
Associate Research Professor
Department of Hispanic Studies         Ph:   +1 (979) 845-2125
Texas A&M University                          Fax:  +1 (979) 845-6421
College Station, Texas, USA

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