I've tried  F:\\.lyx\lyxpipe, F:\\lyx\lyxpipe and F:\\\lyxpipe. No luck so

On Thu, Feb 6, 2014 at 6:38 AM, John Kane <jrkrid...@yahoo.ca> wrote:

> Well, I reallly don't know much but a look at my path (LyX 2.0.7, Ubuntu
> 13.10 Zotero as a Firefox extension) under Tools > Preferences Paths >
> LyxServer shows "/home/john/.lyx/lyxpipe". I don't think I've  ever used
> Zotero in Window  with Lyx so the path commands may be different but if
> looks like you might want to try F:\\.lyx\lyxpipe pehaps.
>   On Wednesday, February 5, 2014 12:35:53 AM, Christopher Kan <
> cka...@gmail.com> wrote:
>  Hello!
> I am running LyX 2.0.7 on a Windows x64, Jabref 2.9.2 and Zotero
> Standalone
> 4.0.17 with the LyZ 2.1.7 plugin.
> I am having trouble with the LyXServer pipe settings. From what I have
> read
> whatever directory I am set the path to should create a pipe file allowing
> Jabref and Zotero to communicate with LyZ. I have set a path
> "F:\\pipe\lyxserver" but it didn't create any files in the directory. I
> have
> tried restarting the program and its still empty. I have set the same path
> in
> Jabref and Zotero, neither have been able to communicate with LyZ.
> Does anyone have any suggestions to this issue?
> Thank you!
> Chris

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