Dear Lyx Users, I have exported my lyx file as a lyx archive, which contains as a tar.gz file the lyx file, the used bib file and the figures used. This is quite handy, because only the used figures, bib are saved.
However, I have this problem: The path to the figures should be ./Kalanchoe-closed.jpg as an example and not e.g.: \begin_inset Graphics filename BluFloClockTar/AAAflowerclock20130909/Kalanchoe-closed.jpg since I would like to move the lyx file to another folder or send it away. There are many figures, therefore I would prefer NOT to select each figure path anew. What would you recommend? Using the tex file and, in an editor, replace the path, to end up with ./figureFile? Or is there a way in Lyx? (Which would be handy) Wolfgang