If working with the terminal and configuration variables put you out of
your depth, then TeX and LyX may not be appropriate tools until you're more
familiar with OS X.

In any case, I should follow my own advice and read the documentation (it's
been a while since I've done this).

The xetexCV.cls class file should go in ~/Library/texmf/tex/latex (create
folders as necessary).
Put the cvsplitbib.sty style file in the same place.
Then reconfigure LyX.

Class and style files are part of TeX. Additional class and style files can
be added to your TeX Live installation, as you're doing here.

Layout files are specific to LyX. They are what allow LyX to make use of
TeX class files. Go back to the instructions you linked to originally and
find the zip file that contains the layout file. There are actually two zip
files you need to download in order to have a complete set of files. There
is xetexCV.zip, which contains some sample TeX files as well as xetexCV.cls
and cvsplitbib.sty. There is also a xetexCV-LyX.zip, which contains a
working LyX example and the xetexCV.layout file.

Put the xetexCV.layout file in the same working folder as your LyX file.
With it in the same folder, you don't need to bother with the Local Layout

I was able to typeset the example file (a CV of J.R.R. Tolkien) by making
the following changes:

The example LyX file uses the font Minion Pro, which is a licensed font you
have to purchase. I substituted Fontin Regular. You also need Fontin Sans.
Both are available for free here:


Use Font Book to add fonts to your OS X installation. In LyX, with the
example LyX file open, use Document -> Settings -> Fonts. Check the choice
to use non-Tex fonts, then change the Roman font from Minion Pro to Fontin
Regular and the Sans font to Fontin Sans.

I also had to go into Documents -> Settings -> LaTeX Preamble and edit the
path to JRR-Tolkien.jpg to the correct one for my installation rather than
the author's.

Typeset with View -> PDF [XeTeX}

It's a good looking CV. Thanks. I can make use of this layout.

-- Rich

On Sat, Jan 4, 2014 at 5:29 PM, justin <justina...@yahoo.com> wrote:

> Richard Talley <rich.talley <at> gmail.com> writes:
> > And yes, create the folder (or directory) 'texmf' in your home folder and
> put your xexexCV.cls file in it.
> >
> Hi Richard,
> Some of what you said was a little out of my depth I think. But I did
> understand your last sentence included above.
> So now looking back at your original instructions I have done perhaps all
> of it:
>     1) Put the xetexCV.cls file here:
>     ~/Library/texmf DONE
>     2) Reconfigure is under the LyX menu:
>     LyX -> Reconfigure DONE
>     3) When you start your document, point it to your local layout:
>     Document -> Settings -> Document Class -> Local Layout...
> This bit I am stuck at now. I got to Document Class and was disappointed
> not
> to see it on the list from the drop down menu where I thought it should be.
> I clicked then on "local layout" like you said, and that let me click
> through my computer to find the ~/Library/texmf folder. But although I can
> see the xetexCV.cls inside it, it is grayed out, so I cannot select it.
> Any ideas?
> Thank you!

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