Jürgen Spitzmüller <spitz <at> lyx.org> writes:

> Premanshu Bhushan wrote:
> > I have been writing a book in lyx. I am using a lot of shaded boxes to 
> > highlight information. Is there a way to redesign all of them by 
> > them in preamble. For example, can i write a code to reduce the width to
> > 0.8  of text width and make them all centered. otherwise i will have to
> > manually select all more than 100 boxes and declare its property. it
> > defeats the purpose of using styles rather than manually formatting. I 
> > been experimenting with renewcommand and renewenvironment codes but 
> > much success.
> The following hack should work if all boxes currently have 100% text 
> \renewenvironment{shaded}{%
>    \begin{center}%
>    \begin{minipage}[t]{.8\columnwidth}% 
>    \def\FrameCommand{\fboxsep=\FrameSep \colorbox{shadecolor}}%
>   \MakeFramed {\FrameRestore}%
> }{%
>    \endMakeFramed
>    \end{minipage}%
>    \end{center}%
> }
> Another possibility would be do run a script on the LyX file directly.
> Regards,
> Jürgen
Thanks Jürgen Spitzmüller. Your hack does work as all my boxes were 100% 
textwidth. Can u also help to understand something like running a script for 
me in Lyx. Thanks. 
Premanshu Bhushan 

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