I have never used RCS so I do not know what Lyx uses for this on Mac. But I
read on the Wiki the following ( :
"LyX uses RCS <> in order to
implement version control. By default RCS is not installed on OS X (10.5 at
least). It is however part of Xcode<>.

So, if you depend on the version installed by Xcode, and if Xcode 5 has
updated it to a new version, you could meet the same problems as the ones
met by the Coda people using SVN (the version 1.7 installed by Xcode is not
compatible with their repository created using an older version of SVN).
The version I have with Xcode 5.2 on my laptop is RCS version 5.7
You can check yours by executing rcs -V in Terminal.
I do not fully grok the messages in German, so I am just guessing here.
More people could maybe help you if you translate the messages to English,
I think.

2013/12/4 Thomas Wirtz <>

> Hi Murat,
> Thank your for your advice and your link.
> I can’t really say something about Xcode / Coda and if it affects the
> version control system of LyX. I don’t use Git / SVN with Lyx - just the
> regular VC:
> So it’s RCS.
> Fine to know, that LyX now supports Git / SVN. I will use that for future
> projects, but of course now I would be really happy to recover my current
> VC (RCS) .lyx,v file to have the full history back for use :)
> For the list, I added the two error messages to this e-mail:
> First error occurs when I try to „commit", and the second one when I try
> to retrieve the history.
> Cheers,
> Thomas
> Am 04.12.2013 um 23:20 schrieb Murat Yildizoglu <
> Hi Thomas,
> I am not sure that I understand everything :-)  I am not a big VC user
> myself, I am trying to get disciplined enough to be able to use it, but no
> avail. But, I am more or less following the evolution of the softs, and
> rather tempted to adopt git, now that Lyx can use it.
> Unfortunately, I cannot directly answer your questions. But I have found
> the following post by the editors of Coda, maybe their tricks could help
> you if you end up by using SVN with Lyx:
> I also send my answer to the list, probably someone else, more competent
> than me could help you using the information you give below, in your
> message.
> Please keep us informed if you locate the source and the solution of your
> problem.
> Best regards,
> Murat
> 2013/12/4 Thomas Wirtz <>
>> Hi Murat,
>> Thanks for your quick reply.
>> I’m using the native version control of Lyx which creates a .lyx,v file.
>> So I think this is not SVN but simple version control, right?
>> Nevertheless I reinstalled the command line tools of Xcode some time ago
>> after Mavericks update - but when using SVN I am using the app „Versions“
>> and for eclipse I’m using subclipse for SVN support.
>> I don’t know if those information is helping you getting to know what
>> went wrong here - but is Lyx really using SVN for version control?
>> Cheers,
>> Thomas
>> Am 04.12.2013 um 22:32 schrieb Murat Yildizoglu <
>> Hi Thomas,
>> Were you using  the SVN version that comes with Xcode? If yes, have you
>> reinstalled the command line tools of Xcode? They are suppressed during the
>> installation of Mavericks if I remember well. Their reinstallation  is
>> necessary if you need that SVN, or have not installed another one. If you
>> rather use Git, you can also install it yourself. Mavericks update has
>> deleted many things in my case (including the Oracle Java, for example).
>> 2013/12/4 Thomas Wirtz <>
>>> Hi guys,
>>> I’ve a huge problem with my version control in an existing file and
>>> noticed it now.
>>> There may be a connection to the Mavericks update on OS X, but I’m not
>>> 100% sure.
>>> I’ve posted some screenshots of my errors here:
>>> I receive the error on both 2.0.6 and 2.1beta2.
>>> Can you tell me something about this error? How can I fix this?
>>> All the best,
>>> Thomas
>> --
>> Prof. Murat Yildizoglu
>> Université Montesquieu Bordeaux IV
>> GREThA (UMR CNRS 5113)
>> Avenue Léon Duguit
>> 33608 Pessac cedex
>> France
>> Bureau : E-331
>> mail:
>> web:
> --
> Prof. Murat Yildizoglu
> Université Montesquieu Bordeaux IV
> GREThA (UMR CNRS 5113)
> Avenue Léon Duguit
> 33608 Pessac cedex
> France
> Bureau : E-331
> mail:
> web:

Prof. Murat Yildizoglu

Université Montesquieu Bordeaux IV
Avenue Léon Duguit
33608 Pessac cedex

Bureau : E-331



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