Hi Scott,

Thank you for the e-mail. I have received no
other suggestions about this problem.

Yes, of course, it could be a problem in
MikTeK. Or XP.

I will try to get an example next time it happens.

Anyway, LyX has been a great help. Thank you!

All the best,


On 2013-11-11 21:33, Scott Kostyshak wrote:
Hi Markus,

This sounds like a very frustrating experience. See my comments in-line.

On Mon, Nov 11, 2013 at 2:59 PM, Mark Mandelkern <k...@zianet.com> wrote:

LyX label and reference problem - faulty pdf

This is about internal labels and references, as for theorem
numbers and section numbers, not about the references at
the end of a paper.

These numbers should appear in an exported pdf, but
at times the pdf will have only   ??   instead of the
numbers, at more than a hundred places. The labels
appear, but not the references. Thus, the exported
pdf is useless.

Can you send (to the list) a minimal working example?

Program restart does not help. Computer restart does
not help. The only solution I have found is a complete
reinstall of the program, including MikTek. And even
then, it is necessary to go back to a previous saved
draft, and re-enter many updates. Sometimes
a day's work. Sometimes a crucial line is lost.

Doesn't this suggest that the problem is with MikTeX? Why do you think
it is a LyX issue? I really have no idea and it could still be a LyX
issue (maybe LyX triggers something when a new MikTeX installation is
found), but I'm curious on your thoughts.



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